with backups, that are never working when you need them,
that require exporting and importing
and have difficult settings, that require IT guys to manage them
Connect.Vet is nothing like this,
It is your daily tool to ...
Share and visualize all kind of images,
but also create reports
Store X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT, ...
but also videos and photos
Communicate with other PACS,
and other vets and clinics
Publish studies to owners,
and share your business card
Easy study overview
Professional image management
It works in the browser
but also local
It is fast,
but also reliable
It works online,
but also offline
It works on PC, MAC,
and on your phone
Automatic L/R-comparison
Automatically shows left and corresponding right images next to each other
Upload live video from your smartphone
Create photos and videos and upload them from your phone
Advanced reports
Personalised background and signature
Default and custom templates
Support for tables, checkboxes, ...
Split view:
Edit report & view images
Edit report & preview PDF
Sending emails, made easy
Advanced measurements
Cloud and local
The Connect.Vet-application is usable locally - on your X-ray-laptop/PC - as well as in the cloud.
It is possible to review images, create reports and send emails in both environments.
Mobile interface
Easily review your studies
Send emails directly from your smartphone/tablet
"As easy as sending a WhatsApp message..."
Support Multiple Modalities
Register for your free test account
You can only register for a free account, when you are a veterinary professional,
The account will not be active straight away, you will be contacted in the next days.
NOTE: our publication links do not expire, so if you received a link, it will still work in the future, no need to register for an account when you are not a professional vet.